Post your best disto bass tone 2015

.....Two cables in that bass..??! Maybe I'm just stupid, but I don't understand..

Maybe he is recording each pickup separately.
Yep. Passive Nordstrand big split for the high gain tone and EMG 45 DC for the low end. They're each doing what they're best at. Since one is active and the other is passive they can feed two separate amps without any hum. In that track it's all plugins though, I didn't have a reamp box.

I came up with the configuration for the dude in the video and then shortly after installed the same electronics in my own bass. It sounds insane with a real amp.
The 500 and 300 watt version of this amp came out this year, but this is last years. Sounds amazing.

You Tube

I know this isn't a tone I made, but it's still sick. No pedals/racks, just straight bass into an amp.

I really dig this tone, especially since it comes through 1 amp.
Seriously? Amplitube 3? Fuck me. That's awesome! You gotta enlight me with that one more!

Sure dude, 3 tracks. First one Sansamp into AT3 for a clean mid scooped sound, not really filtered a lot (35hz-5.5k).

2nd one agains sansamp into at3, this time for hi mid clank and a bit distortion, filtered 800hz-2.3k.

3rd one is only at3 with a pretty mid heavy distortion coming from bass heads. not ultra distorted, but more than the other 2. Filtered like the 2nd, maybe a bit lower.

Blend to taste to a bus: vcc, eq, comp, comp, eq, c4.

track 2 and 3 are limited before the amps to get a more even distortion going.
Sure dude, 3 tracks. First one Sansamp into AT3 for a clean mid scooped sound, not really filtered a lot (35hz-5.5k).

2nd one agains sansamp into at3, this time for hi mid clank and a bit distortion, filtered 800hz-2.3k.

3rd one is only at3 with a pretty mid heavy distortion coming from bass heads. not ultra distorted, but more than the other 2. Filtered like the 2nd, maybe a bit lower.

Blend to taste to a bus: vcc, eq, comp, comp, eq, c4.

track 2 and 3 are limited before the amps to get a more even distortion going.

What heads/cabs are you using in AT3?
Track 1 was the ampeg BA500 & fender tbp-1
Track 2 was fender bassman 500
Track 3 was the g&k plus the solid state bass preamp

all with matching cabs and standard mics. no room mics.
Track 1 was the ampeg BA500 & fender tbp-1
Track 2 was fender bassman 500
Track 3 was the g&k plus the solid state bass preamp

all with matching cabs and standard mics. no room mics.

Are you not using the DI at all in your blend?
Some really great tones posted here. Here's my contribution:

It turned out much better than I hoped and I'm really happy with the result. I was going for a more "grindy" sound, similar to the one Mago posted, but it turned out a bit cleaner.
The bass used was a schecter with EMGs. It's three tracks, one ampeg svx, one track sansamp BDDI and one track revalver mkIII. It's been a while and I don't quite recall the exact processing, though.
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Some really great tones posted here. Here's my contribution:

It turned out much better than I hoped and I'm really happy with the result. I was going for a more "grindy" sound, similar to the one Mago posted, but it turned out a bit cleaner.
The bass used was a schecter with EMGs. It's three tracks, one ampeg svx, one track sansamp BDDI and one track revalver mkIII. It's been a while and I don't quite recall the exact processing, though.

Are you the dude from Escalation?
Dude! I thought i heard the same wrting style and saw you lived in Greece. I loved the EP! It is still one of my overall favorite "albums". I downloaded it randomly from a forum somewhere.

Sorry to derail the thread.
This is the best clanky tone I've got from my Squier VM Jazz: