Post your best disto bass tone 2015

Friend brought his Ibanez over so I could intonate and set the action and all that jazz. Sloppily recorded this

3 tracks
Track 1 - DI with highpass at 40 into cla-76. It's routed with no output. Just using it to pre process before sending to the 2 other tracks

Track 2 - SHB-1 - 8x10 impulse - high/lowpass between 40hz and like 500hz - limiter

Track 3 - eq highpass 100hz - TSB-1 - 4x12 guitar impulse - compressor - high/lowpass between 800hz and like 6khz - limiter

Bus - big scoop at like 1khz - limiter

Nice, that "bass low" is really adding something.

I do minimal processing to my bass tracks. Only TSE BOD with blend at 75% and everything else at noon and the common high pass trick to 60 or 50 ish. Second track is always some high gain amp liek TSE X30, high pass at 500hz. No limiting or compression.

in context:

It's not too bad I guess.
Thinking the new Elm Street album I'm currently mixing will be a good contender for this thread. We ran a B7K into an Ampeg head/cab, mic'ed up, no reamping. Very old school.

In the mean time, this one isn't 'my' bass grit per se, as Ola dialed in the distortion, but I think it nestled into the mix quite well after we cleaned up the guitars and made space for it to do its thing.

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The Emissary plug in gave me some very pleasing results for bass grit and distortion, been struggling for years to find that bass tone that I like which cuts thru the guitars. I simply dialled out the bass n treble on the distortion channel and increased the middle to full and it was really effective and a massive break thru for me. the low end was handled by the AT3, three compressors not doing very much in front of the SVT pro head and just play consistently!

As Emz mentioned before, Ola does indeed get some very good bass tones, you can hear these if you have access to any of his raw files.
Little update from me.

Here you can hear what I'm doing step by step - from RAW bass to almost-full mix.
For now, it's my personal fav heavy bass tone style :)
As you can hear - Ignite Amps FTW :D
(Icem4n's DI; Molot Comp; TSB-1; SHB-1; NadIR; ReaEQ; VOS TDR SlickEQ)
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