Post your Favorite AMP Sims (Free/Commercial) and Fav Impulses :D

at the moment i am hating amp sims the more i use them \o/
can nobody else hear that 5khz scratch you cant get rid of with them? :(
at the moment i am hating amp sims the more i use them o/


They're just like practice amps for me... good for tracking demos but they just dont sit/respond/sound like a real amp. I dunno, maybe ill hear a top-notch commercial sim and it will change my mind but until then...
Kazrog's Recabinet impulses are amazing. I just use my POD X3 as my preamp, and the combination is pretty sick. And you can't beat the price either... I think he still has it for $15 :rock:
I am enjoying X30 right now. Need to tweak it some more but I am really liking it. What about when quadtracking? does anyone use a different ampsim on the inner guitars?
I like X30(am i allowed to say that?), and I also enjoy LePou's plugins! Especially Le456 and LeXTAC !
Jevil, I've got the Guitarhacks but not "GuitarHacks FinaleV2" I couldn't find it. Was it released later ? Where can I get it ?

Thank you!

Amp sim, of course I like X30.
Regarding IRs : I like the free ones from Alu (Wild Hades), Catharsis & GuitarHack.
I wish I had more time to play...
My favorite is Hybrit (plexi mode) with a slight midboost in front of it and some extra tube overdrive with Nick Crow's Tubedriver.
As cabinet I use either a 1960 with Greenbacks (Recabinet "Green") or G12T75's (Redwirez). It really gives you some serious 70's Hard Rock to 80's Metal. For leads I use TSS in front of it.

I also like the free Guitar Rig 4 amp "Jump" which models a modded plexi.

For modern sounds I always like X30, 7170 and LeXTC.
Metal Amp Room, Vintage Amp Room and default cabs built in or Nebula Cabs. Impulses are cow shit.
And, of course, my Marshall MG10CD with my "todo a 100 yan li chu" mic.