Post your goals for 2014

finishing writing and starting recording our next album somewhen in 2014.

Pretty confident with how I handle whats going on elsewise at the moment, so no desire to change that...but my change of heart this year came long before the end of the year was in sight, so it was a lot more honest than usual :lol:

Lots and lots of riffs. No whole song yet...gotta be possible to be putting together the rest of the album, it's not like I'm not riffing in the same scale and tempo all the time^^

Also gotta start hitting the gym again. Not able to drop any more weight right now just with the diet. Been staying the same for the last 2 months or so.
Ok, I'll bite,

A year or so back, after second bulk/cut, cruising at 155lbs @ 11-12%, getting out the do I even lift stage into athletic, third nipple bros unite:

Filling out a large and eating all the pies at between 190-200lbs @ 19-20%, six month back, all hail the oestrogen infused neckbeard:

Currently sitting somewhere in between these two but have no photographic evidence of current state as my bottom set of abs is still just coming back and I'm not there yet - will update when I am.

I've been living a lie

Release album (and mix it properly)
Get back into weight lifting
Compete in one of the BJJ Nationals (maybe Sydney)
Ride the scooter to Brisbane
Drink and Fuck more...cause I just don't seem to do enough of that...
Release album (and mix it properly)
Get back into weight lifting
Compete in one of the BJJ Nationals (maybe Sydney)
Ride the scooter to Brisbane
Drink and Fuck more...cause I just don't seem to do enough of that...