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Ok well I just got one of my packages for the album "death before dishonour" by Goatmoon today......except for the fact that nothing was in the packaging!! Has this ever happened to anyone before? It looks as if some guy in the post office ripped it out and stole it! :mad:
Ok well I just got one of my packages for the album "death before dishonour" by Goatmoon today......except for the fact that nothing was in the packaging!! Has this ever happened to anyone before? It looks as if some guy in the post office ripped it out and stole it! :mad:

I've had a few horror stories: Once I was sent the correct artwork but wrong Cd, and in the end the guy never had the actual album (despite having the artwork). Also, I got an album where nothing was inside the packaging. The last and probably best mess up was where the album had the correct artwork and even label on the Cd face itself but the music was of a totally different band. So, you're not alone and although frustrating these things usually get resolved.
Well, this is my first MW disc and it's decent so far. I heard this is the worst one of their discography and I'll be getting Hazardous Mutation in the near future.
Fuccckkk, I need to get that Tormentor album, and even more so the Demigod one D: I was supposed to get Anno Domini as my next purchase but I ended up getting the Faustcoven album instead - why I do not know hah, good either way.
It has nothing to do with it being popular, but rather all about it sucking. It's not my fault the bigger labels are scooping up all of the shittier newer Thrash bands.