Post your hauls here

DER GERWELT "Human Breed"
LORD "Hells Fucking Metal"
GLORIOR BELLI "O Laudace Dominus"
ONDSKAPT "Dodens Evangelikum"
PERDITION "Pjaculum"
BLACK GOAT "Issue 1" Zine
CERBERUS "Issue 8" Zine

100x Northern Shadows 'zine, issue 4

10x Australian Capital Terrorfest t-shirt
How's that Glorior Belli? I wasn't too keen on Lord, they're a bit too bipolar. They don't blend very well.

Killing Addiction - Omega Factor
Miasa - Changes/Love Songs
Hypocrisy sucks.

Note* my hand is killing me and I feel like talking shit about bands that suck. Peter from hypocrisy is damn overrated.
Dodens Grav said:
How's that Glorior Belli? I wasn't too keen on Lord, they're a bit too bipolar. They don't blend very well.

Killing Addiction - Omega Factor
Miasa - Changes/Love Songs

Tis a GOOD CD. Sounds a bit like Watain, but with less DMDS influence.
Until Death Overtakes Me - Symphony III - Monolith CD
Morrigan - Welcome to Samhain CD
Iron Man - Generation Void CD
Great Coven - Viaticum CD
Isole - The Beyond 7"
Morgion - Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In Earth CD
ataraxie - Slow Transcending Agony CD
Count Raven - Destruction of the Void CD
Fucking aye. I've got about 18 666 deals planned out for whenever I can afford them :loco:

I got a few promos from Goatowa the other day actually. I'd HIGHLY recommend the new Ibex Throne, and the Absolutus album they released is also of high quality. Similar to earlier Deathspell Omega.

So much damn metal to buy... so little money...
Yep, Dani gave me new Ibex Throne, Grimm and Sangraal cds as freebies :).
666 deals ftw. Makes ya feel ripped off buying from any non-666 deal places.

Your mag is $10 from Asphyxiate :O. I'm getting that Morgion cd, Vilden ;)
Tis a GOOD CD. Sounds a bit like Watain, but with less DMDS influence.

That's what I was expecting. I'll check it out then.

Vilden said:
Morrigan - Welcome to Samhain CD

This is out already? :zombie:

And how's that Iron Man? I've been looking at that CD myself, but I don't know what to expect from it.

Anyway, as some of you know, I have a crapload of CDs coming in and orders that I hope will go through, therefore I don't know exactly what I'm getting, so I'll just post them as they come in. Today, I got:

Cadaver - ...In Pains
Loudblast - Sublime Dementia
Pale Divine - Eternity Revealed
Dodens Grav said:
This is out already? :zombie:
Yeah I Hate Records has it, it isn't listed in the distro though I belive.

Dodens Grav said:
And how's that Iron Man? I've been looking at that CD myself, but I don't know what to expect from it.
I haven't heard it myself yet. Haven't got my order, should arrive tomorrow or on friday. I'll let you know what I think about it then. :)
ferdibirdi said:
Yep, Dani gave me new Ibex Throne, Grimm and Sangraal cds as freebies :).
666 deals ftw. Makes ya feel ripped off buying from any non-666 deal places.

Your mag is $10 from Asphyxiate :O. I'm getting that Morgion cd, Vilden ;)

I'm not too happy about that price, but it's his to do with what he wants. Tell you what though, I just found a couple of old issue 3's laying around (the poorly printed ones), and I'd be happy to send one to you, no charge. PM me your address or something and I'll get it sent off.