Just got back from Wacken. Bought:
Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror
Ansur - Axiom
Solstafir - Köld
Imperium Dekandenz - Und die Welt Ward Kalt Und Leer
Obtest - Is Kartos I Karta
Mortuus Infradaemoni - Imis Avernis
Lantlos - S/T
Wolves in the Throne Room - Black Cascade
Thronar - Unleash the Fire
Ameseurs - S/T
Bergthron - Verborgen in den Tiefen Wälder
Farsot - 042103freitod
Cobalt - Gin
Gëist - Galeere
The Meads of Asphodel - Exhuming the Grave of Yesphua
The Meads of Asphodel - The Excommunication of Christ
Krohm - Crown of the Ancients
Poccolus - Ragana
I - Between Two Worlds
Cobalt - War Metal
Pagan Reign - Ancient Fortress
Krohm - Slayer of Lost Martyrs
Darkspace - Darkspace I
Darkspace - Darkspace II
Riger - Streyf
Nachrtmystium - Assassins, Black Meddle Part I
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Shining - VI Klagopsalmer
Lifelover - Konkurs
Tverd - Follow the Sun's Way
Poccolus - S/T
Nocternity - En Oria
Lunar Aurora - Mond
Korpiklaani - Korven Kuningas
Blodsrit - Ocularis Internum
Deathspell Omega - Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeturnum: Chaining the Katechon
Deathspell Omega - Mass Grave Aesthetics
Drudkh - Microcosmos
Vreid - Milorg
Nachtmystium - Worldfall
Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror
Ansur - Axiom
Solstafir - Köld
Imperium Dekandenz - Und die Welt Ward Kalt Und Leer
Obtest - Is Kartos I Karta
Mortuus Infradaemoni - Imis Avernis
Lantlos - S/T
Wolves in the Throne Room - Black Cascade
Thronar - Unleash the Fire
Ameseurs - S/T
Bergthron - Verborgen in den Tiefen Wälder
Farsot - 042103freitod
Cobalt - Gin
Gëist - Galeere
The Meads of Asphodel - Exhuming the Grave of Yesphua
The Meads of Asphodel - The Excommunication of Christ
Krohm - Crown of the Ancients
Poccolus - Ragana
I - Between Two Worlds
Cobalt - War Metal
Pagan Reign - Ancient Fortress
Krohm - Slayer of Lost Martyrs
Darkspace - Darkspace I
Darkspace - Darkspace II
Riger - Streyf
Nachrtmystium - Assassins, Black Meddle Part I
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Shining - VI Klagopsalmer
Lifelover - Konkurs
Tverd - Follow the Sun's Way
Poccolus - S/T
Nocternity - En Oria
Lunar Aurora - Mond
Korpiklaani - Korven Kuningas
Blodsrit - Ocularis Internum
Deathspell Omega - Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeturnum: Chaining the Katechon
Deathspell Omega - Mass Grave Aesthetics
Drudkh - Microcosmos
Vreid - Milorg
Nachtmystium - Worldfall