Post your hauls here

I don't think your MDF fund is gonna like that very much David XD

My MDF fund is still pretty strong, I just wasn't able to put any money INTO it this check. I've still got enough for my hotel and plane ride, and money for the ticket will come within in next 2 checks.
I think you commented on it on FB when I posted my haul haha.

Yeah I remember, that list was fucking HUGE. And FB is working right now so I can't respond :/

Thats pretty good :O I don't even have a job yet but I should be getting one soon, and than I fund shall rise!

Right now I'm planning to get a PSP or a Wii on Lockerz and sell it though, that will cover a good chunk of the plane cost.
I'm hoping that something awesome happens like the guys from Sadistic Intent bringing a shitload of stuff for the merch room, because I would have no problem dropping about a thousand dollars there (which I plan on taking anyways). I only spent 450 or so last year and I was running out of stuff that I didn't have/wanted on Sunday, but I'll win either way because it'll be a few hundred dollars back in my pocket that I still won't spend on something important like school.
Darkspace - I
Darkspace - II
Darkspace - III
Master - Unreleased 1985 Album
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Immortal - Diobolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Sort Voker - Fokloric Necro Metal

Oh and BTW. Addo is a my pals.
Same! Same for Chase too if he more sausage fest in the UM:MDF room?!

Hahaha, it is going to rule. I don't think my girl even wants to go for any bands other than Pentagram. >_>;; She lied to me about liking Portal just to make me feel special for finding a DM act she liked, it was kind of disappointing haha.

She is supposed to be making me a Portal hat though :D so all is forgiven
Hahaha, it is going to rule. I don't think my girl even wants to go for any bands other than Pentagram. >_>;; She lied to me about liking Portal just to make me feel special for finding a DM act she liked, it was kind of disappointing haha.

She is supposed to be making me a Portal hat though :D so all is forgiven

You know what? Fuck all of you. You can all go to the amazing MDF every year, and I will sit here, alone, listening to the bands that'll be there. God damn it straight to hell!
I've ordered these at some cheap ass distro so I hope it'll go alright.

Vulvectomy - Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation
Egemony - Baptysm of the Unborn
Pathology Stench - Accion Mutante
Thorazine - Geneticide
The Lamp of Thoth- Sing As You Slay
Master- On the Seventh Day God Created...Master
Master- Unreleased 1985 Album
Darkspace- I
Darkspace- II
Darkspace- III
Morbid Angel- Altars of Madness CD/DVD (replacement)
Amon- Return of the Black Metal
Amon- Zrozeni Smrti
At the Gates/Grotesque- Gardens of Grief/In the Embrace of Evil
Profanatica- The Enemy of Virtue
Sabbat- Evoke
Sabbat- Disembody
Unleashed- Where No Life Dwells/And the Laughter
Vomit- Still Rotting
Liers in Wait- Spiritually Uncontrolled Art
Infernal Revulsion- Devastate Under Hallucination
Inquisition- Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult
Defleshed- Abrah Kadavrah/Under the Blade
Mozart- The Complete Symphonies (10 CDs)
Root- Temple in the Underworld (Grey version, because I don't really care about color but felt cool getting one of the last 5 remaining) 2LP
Utumno- Across the Horizon 2LP
I got all the Darkspace and Master stuff from from Shadow Kingdom. This On the Seventh Day... reissue comes with some DVD as well.

I haven't heard the Inquisition album before, but I've heard nothing but excellent things around the board from people with good taste. I grabbed that from Open Grave along with some other really cheap sale stuff.