Post your hauls here

Just bought these CDs:

Necrophobic - Death to All
Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro pro Eternus
Azaghal - Teraphim
Kult ov Azazel - Destroying the Sacred
Obituary - Darkest Day

PS: I wouldn't normally buy Obituary stuff, but their gig last week really blew me away. These guys rock, and Ralph Santolla is a fucking monster :kickass:
Ordered these CDs, they should probably be here on December's second week:

Darkspace - III
Demilich - Nesphite
Drudkh - Microcosmos
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
Graveland - Will Stronger than Death
Graveland - Spears of Heaven
Teitanblood - Seven Chalices
Embrace of Thorns - Atonement Ritual
Excoriate - On Pestilent Winds
Graveyard - One with the Dead
Mgla - Groza
Morbosidad - Profana la Cruz del Nazareno
Ignivomous - Death Transmutation
Karnarium - S/T
Peste Noire - La Sanie Des Siecles...
Averse Sefira - Advent Parallax
Katharsis - Fourth Reich
Slugathor - Circle of Death

Fuck yes, just received them. Fine Gentlemen included Nucturnal Fear - Fog of War as a treat.
I want a Teitanblood shirt!


It looks so much better in person. Too bad Ryan from Ross Bay seems to be having issues with his distro, and has since shut down his website..
All 09 releases

Embryonic Depravity - Constrained by the Miscarriage of Conquest
Vomit the Soul - Apostles of Inexpression
Infected Disarray - Disseminating Obscenity
Engaged in Mutilating - Population: Zero
Murder Intentions - A Prelude to Total Decay
I'm really excited because I traded my copy of The Mantle to one of my teachers for a copy of Into the Depths of Sorrow by Solitude Aeturnus. I've always wanted to hear this album. I didn't like Agalloch so I think it's a good trade. I can't wait to listen when I get home.