Post your hauls here

You won't be disappointed; now I can replace the mp3s that have graced my ears for a couple years now...truly excellent sorrowful epic doom!
Yes, the new Ares Kingdom is awesome.
Some new/old records:

Just ordered a bunch of random art-pop/noise from Aquarius,late xmas present,looking forward to the Teenage Filmstars,Rusted Shut and True Widow albums,not sure about the rest tho haha
KING KONG DING DONG Youth Culture Index cd-r
TEENAGE FILMSTARS Rocket Charms / Buy Our Record Support Our Sickness / Bring Back The Cartel: The Epiphany Triptych 2cd
COLD CAVE Love Comes Close cd
LOOP Heaven's End cd
HOME BLITZ O.ut O.f P.hase cd
From Dark Horizons (30% off sale on everything in stock):
Hour of Penance - Disturbance
Hour of Penance - Pageantry for Martyrs
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Emperor - IX Equilibrium
Celestia - Apparitia -Sumptuous Spectre
Angmar - Metamorphosis
Mirrorthrone - Of Wind and Weeping (last album I needed to complete my Vlad Cochet collection)
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

from eBay:
Garden of Shadows - Oracle Moon
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill/Flag of Hate (1988 original)
Malevolent Creation - Retribution

from Amazon Marketplace:
Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream
Malevolent Creation - Ten Commandments
Ripping Corpse - Dreaming With the Dead

whole order came out to like $130 for everything. >.>
last batch of stuff until at least 2 weeks from now lol.

Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Ignivomous - Death Transmutation
Blasphemophagher - ...For Chaos, Obscurity..
Bestial Raids - Reversed Black Trinity
Morbosidad - Profana La Cruz del Nazareno