Personified Hatred
Sorry about the dbl post,just going through some older posts,I agree Ozzman that Sargeist album is a classic![]()
And I agree too. It's a masterpiece. It's a pretty banal Black, nothing innovative, but done fucking right.
Sorry about the dbl post,just going through some older posts,I agree Ozzman that Sargeist album is a classic![]()
Latest stuff:
Absurd - Facta Loquuntur
Absurd - Asgardsrei
Absurd - Totenlieder
Absurd - Blutgericht
Absurd - Der Fünfzehnjährige Krieg
Got in the mail today, cd's only:
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Lot's of good stuff in the last several posts.![]()