Post your hauls here

50/50 it's Russian boot. Russians tend to do great jobs with their releases though, if that makes you feel any better.
Coercion -Lifework.
Tribulation -The Formulas of Death.
Mortician -Hacked Up for Barbecue,Darkest Day of Horror.
Bloodbath -Grand Morbid Funeral.
So that Jungle Rot album isn't a boot. It was sealed with the catalog sticker and everything. I think people tend to gouge the price if they know something is OOP, but it's going for at most 15 dollars on discogs used.

In addition to that, I got:

Malevolent Creation - Envenomed
Malevolent Creation - Stillborn
Havok - Time is Up
First haul in a good while.

Inquisition - Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Riot - Thundersteel
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Carbonized - For the Security
Spending more money I don't have:

Goatwhore shirt (another one)
Goatwhore - A Haunting Curse
Black Fast - Terms of Surrender (signed)
Black Fast mini poster signed by the band (this was free with the CD)
Found a record store across the street from where my girlfriend moved her daughter in for school.

Cacophony - Speed Metal Symphony
Steely Dan - The Royal Scam
Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera

Judas Priest - Point of Entry
Pink Floyd - Animals
Going to get back to collecting osdm albums. Looks like I lost some in the move, lots of stuff unaccounted for. Bummer.

Necrophagia - Season of the Dead
Morbius - Alienchrist
Molested - Blood-Draum
Morpheus - Son of Hypnos
Sickening Gore - Destructive Reality
Fleshcrawl - Descend Into the Absurd
Sorcery - Legacy of Blood comp (contains Bloodchilling Tales, only reason I bought it)

That's a start.

Excruciate - Passage of Life
Spina Bifida - Ziyadah
Solstice - Solstice
Phlebotomized - Immense, Intense, Suspense
Phlebotomized - Skycontact
Polluted Inheritence - Ecocide
Massacre - From Beyond