I bought a bunch of CDs over the course of last week:
Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness
Disastrous Murmur - Rhapsodies in Red
Dr. Shrinker - Contorted Dioramic Palette (finally bought a physical copy of this masterpiece)
Crypt of Kerberos - The Macrodex of War compilation
Artificial Brain - Infrared Horizon
Pissgrave - Suicide Euphoria
Exhumed - Death Revenge
Dead - A Dirty Mind is a Joy Forever
Droid - Terrestrial Mutations
Blood Freak - Total Destruction of the Human Form (got this on cassette for now, might buy the CD later on)
Nekro Drunkz - Lavatory Carnage (my cassette got chewed beyond repair so I bought this again, direct from the band this time)