post your nude pics here

Wolftribe said:
it may be because i am really tired but for some reason that was really amusing to me. I actually Laughed Out Loud.

It must be your fatigue, because that was in no way absolutely fucking hilarious.
Didn't think you would do that. Congratulations, we can all call you lefty and banana in the open.

Edit: Well, it was Phasom's penis.
Kvlt Wench: for some reason
metalskater7: hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Kvlt Wench: hahaha
metalskater7: full frontal?
Kvlt Wench: yep
metalskater7: hahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahah
metalskater7: did you make fun of him?
Kvlt Wench: yes
Kvlt Wench: a lot of people did
metalskater7: haaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahah
NoLordy said:
Methinks james must be a foot long to laugh so bravely. That was rather large actually, but *shrugs*
Yeah, I'm very impressed. I thought he suffered from dwarfism truthfully.
Jeremy wins the thread.
I have the link in my history... err and bookmarks, and printed on life size cardboard bodies... so... if needed I can supply his nudity :P