post your pic.....

MadTinus said:

It looks awesome
Deliverance6 said:
more pics.....mokena....
I was a bit upset at the dude from Moonspell for getting in this one because I had set this up.....but whever...


more to come...

very nice pics Reece :headbang:the above pic Fred's pose and facial express is really funny to me lol
MadTinus said:
@ Reece, nice nice pics man, really cool!

@ Kev, nice drawing, you had a live model posing for that..? :) Nice pic too btw, nice expression!

oh we gonna have a live model posing in or classroom in about some weeks :S some friend of me told me that he had to draw a 72 year old man :S heeelp.. that's nice.. eh
@Unicorn: I never expected you to choke Candy... and I don't advise you to try it on me :Smug:

@Reece: AWWWW!!!! Really really really nice pics! And the first one is just in two words: Fucking cool! Those ones from above the stage are also absolutely amazing... never seen those of Katatonia before!
And I think I'm speaking for everyone here who hasn't been there: We are jealous! :Smug: ;)
@Reece: awesome Kata swany said so jealous.

@Martijn:that pie ist krieg,trve,grim,nekro and brutal!
lo bob, you have pie?

@ Kev: Bitty.