post your pic.....

me, Cris and an armed fatman in Manhattan :)
I should also caption this photograph, as Reece, in his modesty,
is holding out on you good people!

Upon careful inspection of this photograph, one can see the fatman's sneaky intention to shoot off Reeces nether-regions whilst the person behind him prepares to deliver a swift knee-strike as well!!!
How did we get out of there alive you ask??

Reece quickly sensed movement behind him and spun round and blocked the would-be attacker and dispatched him with a speedy judo chop to the
adam's apple- I then noticed the red dots of laser scopes swarming around us with the promise of being shredded from the bullets of rifles like that of the fatman.

Clearly this was a ruse, and Amber, sensing this- snapped the flash blinding the fatman just long enough for me to stuff a procciutto submarine sandwich into the fatmans pants and the three of us high fived and made our hasty getaway, looking back only long enough to see the police dogs upon the fatman in an attempt for the sandwich. Reece shouted "Nice try, sandwichpants!" and we ducked into the subway and jumped the 3 train back to wall steet.

We dove into our rental car, lit each others cigarettes, had a hearty chuckle and eluded them through the lincoln tunnel. If they did try to tail us, we lost them in the smog of New Jersey...I fell asleep in the back of that rental car thinking about what else might be waiting for us...
down that dark lost Pennsylvania...
I should also caption this photograph, as Reece, in his modesty,
is holding out on you good people!

Upon careful inspection of this photograph, one can see the fatman's sneaky intention to shoot off Reeces nether-regions whilst the person behind him prepares to deliver a swift knee-strike as well!!!
How did we get out of there alive you ask??

Reece quickly sensed movement behind him and spun round and blocked the would-be attacker and dispatched him with a speedy judo chop to the
adam's apple- I then noticed the red dots of laser scopes swarming around us with the promise of being shredded from the bullets of rifles like that of the fatman.

Clearly this was a ruse, and Amber, sensing this- snapped the flash blinding the fatman just long enough for me to stuff a procciutto submarine sandwich into the fatmans pants and the three of us high fived and made our hasty getaway, looking back only long enough to see the police dogs upon the fatman in an attempt for the sandwich. Reece shouted "Nice try, sandwichpants!" and we ducked into the subway and jumped the 3 train back to wall steet.

We dove into our rental car, lit each others cigarettes, had a hearty chuckle and eluded them through the lincoln tunnel. If they did try to tail us, we lost them in the smog of New Jersey...I fell asleep in the back of that rental car thinking about what else might be waiting for us...
down that dark lost Pennsylvania...

:D Great job fella's!
That story brings me to tears...or maybe it's the submarine sauce...or maybe because the fat man was around awesomeness and he wanted to be loved...for the first time...
Amber and I were just laughing about when we were in Manhattan and we pulled over to get a wireless signal on my laptop for directions to the tunnel, and when Amber went to type "directions" in the google bar, the auto complete thing that lists other things I'd been searching and
"Dad from Alf + crack" came up...
You guys were all like "What the shit ??

That was awesome...
Welcome to the Americas...Disagree with someone and your shot on site...Hail the controlled nation! I MEAN FREE NATION OMG OMG DONT KILL ME OMG OMG!!!!!
Haha, yes, guns rock and I love them but I don't own one... by now.
I do own a knife, it was a gift of my dear psycho friend, and I do know how to use it, he taught me a bit, the rest I learnt by my own. For self defense, you know :Smug:

You don't need to run away, silly! I won't hurt you :)
do you practice krav maga?

nope I'm fat and lazy...but when I was in shape in the army(4.5 years ago) I was qualified to teach rookies krav maga with an m-16, not bare handed where they use the gun as a cold weapon to protect themselves from short range attacks and attempted weapon theft.
I also taught them everything they needed to know about the m-16 including basic balistics, taking the weapon apart and together and off course aiming and shooting properly.

@Marcus:you want wierd? I used to airguitar using my course it wasn't loaded...I'm wierd not stupid.