post your pic.....

I'm not really sure what ye mean, but I can clearly imagine how hard it can be with too many girls in one band... 'specially when they're all singing ... and each one of them wants to give advices and command the others and [fuck the guitarplayer] blablabla... and one day they'll end up slapping each other, ripping out their hair, kickin' & bitin' and crying and screaming and oh gosh, you don't wanna know what cruel times these were in my former band! I do not accept any goddesses beside me! :p :lol: *jk* (;

:D it's not bad, haha... Two of them are sisters and the other is a friend and they get along very very well;)

And it's not like they're standing in each other's way, one is lead singer, and the other two are background (one more than the other cause she's quite shy xP )
BONUS POINTS for any one who can guess where i am standing.
