post your pic.....

Me :dopey:


Stylish gloves ;P

copyright silent paragon


copyright silent paragon

I think I just found myself some new wallpapers.. Amazing photographs Eve!

New Zealand, you say?

Seriously, this is right out of Lord of the Rings*.

*Which, I am aware was filmed in NZ (as everybody else is that has a VCR), BUT they look like they're popping out of Rivendell.
Great pics Eve...I love them...and they seem very fitting to Elane's(Unicorn's fantasy folk band) next album.
Enjoy Tool...again
messege me when you come home and we'll have one of those conference thingies with Hugo, Kev and Phil...and I promise not to say you're hot;)

@Kev: Lovely zombies
Here are my photos from New Zealand if you want to see them.

This is pure, fucking, CLASS A material. Out of the bunch, my favourite for sure. If THIS here is your backyard, then all I have to say is, I envy you. I'd sell my soul and everything else if I can look at scenery like this every morning and night, hehe. Those must be crows, gliding far off in the distance, correct? Very atmospheric.

And the others that have already posted those eye-popping scenics you have captured - all brilliant!

Needless to say, you must be into photography huh? I feel inspired by these images - I'd love to have the opportunity to take my own, but not in this shit town I live in.

Oh, and Soma - cool to see another Canadian around the forums, hehe. Cheers! Nice pose.
Definetly some high class photography there. I really hope Eve goes pro some day and makes tons of money. She deserves it.

I get goosebumps looking at that photo.
@Angelina: Classy. That was taken using a digital cam? I'm impressed. The soft texture/lighting evident in the photograph is very sophisticated. This really does look and feel like it could be used for an album cover or something along those lines (Virgin Black comes to mind) - even a magazine ad.

And Eve surely IS destined to go pro, mark my words. With images like that, I couldn't even imagine otherwise.