post your pic.....

:) ^^


some nice pics there

thanx :wave:

Ahhh ohhhh mmhmm.


Naughty girl, go to my room!


think of the wife

what wife? huh?

+1 :confused:

I need a cold shower


Me too. That are some naughty pictures:loco:


... ... ... ...
this is something I made on school, Art Nouveau style ;p


it's a box you can put playingcards into.. tsss ;p

@s_a_o: you look like a very good(and beautiful) friend of mine in the second we say in hillbilly land: you have a purdy mouth:Saint:

the first one looks a little 80's...naughty!
@develinn: Ohh the design on it is beautiful! Is that a dragon fly? Or whatever it is called it looks beautiful with all the other drawings.. How could you do all those corner drawings that symetrical? Congratulations:)
necromancy: hehe thanks :p I just painted som parts and then I copyed it by a lighttable, I don't know what it's called in english, but it's it like a table in glas with a lamb underneath so you can see things true when you lay many paper over each other :p so then I placed it together, like a fixture (?) :p.. and yes it's a dragonfly ;p

paradoxile: hahah yeah you said it right ;p
@s_a_o: you look like a very good(and beautiful) friend of mine in the second we say in hillbilly land: you have a purdy mouth:Saint:

the first one looks a little 80's...naughty!

Haha, thanks.

What's a hillbilly land like in Israel, haha?
Israel is all hillbillies...with the exception of Verwestung and I who surf the Kata-forum.

but seriously Israel doesn't have any hillbilles...we have Arsim
I was talking about US hillbillies earlier...I don't think there are hillbillies anywhere besides the US.
just like there's no eiffel tower anywhere except Paris(and Vegas) and the Statue of Liberty in New York(and Vegas)
and the Pyramids in Egypt(and Vegas)...

I lost my train of thought
necromancy: hehe thanks :p I just painted som parts and then I copyed it by a lighttable, I don't know what it's called in english, but it's it like a table in glas with a lamb underneath so you can see things true when you lay many paper over each other :p so then I placed it together, like a fixture (?) :p.. and yes it's a dragonfly ;p

Hmm I see... So well-done! :kickass:
is that you life depraved? you look completely different :|

nice atheist shirt ;)

@paradoxile, when are you comin to ma farm house? :( we have to get the ham to have sex so we can have those little sussages we've always wanted :(

is that you life depraved? you look completely different :|

nice atheist shirt ;)

@paradoxile, when are you comin to ma farm house? :( we have to get the ham to have sex so we can have those little sussages we've always wanted :(


just as soon as I finnish putting my seed into my sister's belly:lol: