post your pic.....

My vote goes to long hair as well.
I think long beautiful hair is sexy as hell on either man or women..
I might have a little hair fetisj goin on.. I love to touch it and stroke it...
So Swany if your hair is half as nice at is looks on the pics you better be beware at the katameeting.. :heh:

Swany's hair is amazing!
I imagine Martijns floor after we have left this time ;)
If we start to comb each others hair at the meeting he'll have a real hair carpet :lol:

Don't ever cut your hair short please

yeah man, a beard!

In general I think long hair in most cases looks better on people.
:blush: Oh, you're talking 'bout my hair ... :goggly:

@paradoxile: Well, I guess you'll never be able to top me... after I had my hair cut in january and stuff, it's currently "only" 80cm ... and you know, Asians tend to have long hair *g* but good luck :Smug:

@Juniper: Oho!? Well... I don't mind people touching my hair... if they're not gonna rip it our or stuff it's okay. So I allow you to touch my hair and you allow me to stare at your beautiful face *LOL* :D

@Kev: Yeah! I go with the others... you definitely need this! =)
Arghhh I regret cutting the hair...but it's more healthy now than it has ever been. I don't mean to sound so girlish about it, but I love hair. And I'd literally fuck hair. I'd make love to it....ahem! achtung! mmmhmm.
hmm, I don't agree with long hair always being nice.
Hair is sort of refecting personality, like all the other ways of expressing yourself like the clothes you wair etc. And long hair doesn't nearly fit everyone.
Short hair is also cool like hell in many cases, in my opinion.
I needed to cut it for my internship with a police station out here, plus it was the last thing I needed to graduate from college. So now that's done, it's hair time!
Right now I can pull it past my nose and lick it!


(I didn't see the rest of that conversation, just that- and I wondered what the hell was going on in this thread!)
