post your pic.....

I love those pics, Irja. You're so pretty... (:

Ah... when I went to see Anathema, some said they were giving some posters away in the hall.. but I could not find any... when I asked, they were all already gone. My luck, ha.
I'd love an Alternative 4 poster in my bedroom. I love that cd cover.

Omenare imperavi ameno
Dimere Dimere matiro
Damn! I love this recipe... hmmmm tasty cookies ftw...

i think you're a little mixed up
you're probably thinking about this

Die Eier Von Satan

Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teeloffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze turkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teeloffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfunfzig Gramm gemahlene Nusse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
... und keine Eier

In eine Schussel geben
Butter einruhren
Gemahlene Nusse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten

Augenballgro?e Stucke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker walzen und
Sagt die Zauberworter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim

Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und

Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und
Keine Eier ..
I love those pics, Irja. You're so pretty... (:

Ah... when I went to see Anathema, some said they were giving some posters away in the hall.. but I could not find any... when I asked, they were all already gone. My luck, ha.
I'd love an Alternative 4 poster in my bedroom. I love that cd cover.

For some reason I have never listened to any Anathema. Maybe a few tracks. :zombie: Maybe I'll check them out. Everybody seems to like 'em. :)
@affinity: Ah well... pretty much like here. There're some nice but expensive places to hang out but well... once in a while is not that bad. And if going with a group of friends is cheapear if you order things to share. Anyway, I think tourists find Argentinian bars pretty cheap, and I'm sure for them is cheaper than for us! hehe.
Btw, that ice bar looks awesome to me as I totally love cold... That would make a nice second home for me, lol.

@Jesse: you definitely NEED to check Anathema out... sure you'll like them.