post your pic.....


Oh well. It's me again.

Me and my better half.


Maybe now I don't have to put new pics all the time. Jeez.
Hehe, rett inn på katatonia forumet når man er full. Liker holdningen din ;)

eeeey du e fra norge jo! :D elle? håpe eg kan skylda på at eg e russ :p for jah eg huske ikkje at eg skreiv d, bare at eg våkna av at eg lå over bærbaren :S ekje greit

anyways WELLCOME!! ;p
Hot days in Germany at the moment...
After a walk, Candy and me were pretty exhausted as you can see in her face atleast :)


btw. I'm not choking her ;)

Damn, I first read the line under the photo before I saw it.
Now all I can see is a dog who's getting choked the tongue out of the mouth (which somewhere looks damn hilarious)
I think that's just swell that you have such a racially diverse group of friends, Kevin! It warms my heart to see people on the internet who realize that even though others may appear different on the outside, it's the passion for friendship and fun deep within that unites us all! I feel that it is unfortunate that in this day and age, friendships still seem so largely divided between ethnicities. Although I understand why it did hold an evolutionary basis deep in human past (similar appearance made it easier to decipher friend or foe in primitive times), with the diaspora of all races of people to all places of the world it no longer holds function, particularly in melting pot" socities such as the USA, where blacks, whites, and hispanics die side by side in wars overseas and LOL together in the dance club.

I think we should take it upon ourselves as GENERATION INTERNET to make the transition to a fully friendship-ally integrated society, and pave the way for our children to live in times when words such as "ethnicity" are no longer in our lexicon, so that we may instead begin FOCUSING ON FUN.

I'm doing my part! Here I am with my best friend Eric, who happens to be of African-America descent:
