post your pic.....

And them...another picture of her :blush:

Are you saying it's a pic of yourfriend, the same girl as in this pic:

Cause they don't look a lot alike..
Well, the faces look pretty different too i.m.o., in these pics. And the likeness to that other girl that Juniper posted in absolutely unbelievable, they look similar in even the smallest detail, eyes, cheeks, hair, teeth, it's not just a look-alike, it's a clone.
I guess you thought you could get away with it since this is a metal site and no one would know that girl, but fortunatly I have a bad habit of keeping track of showbizznews via sites like and I also always check this forum and the always entertaining pic thread ,even though I havent been around much lately *HI EVERYONE!!*

I didnt see you posted that pic before as being the same girl... dude...
I guess you thought you could get away with it since this is a metal site and no one would know that girl, but fortunatly I have a bad habit of keeping track of showbizznews via sites like and I also always check this forum and the always entertaining pic thread ,even though I havent been around much lately *HI EVERYONE!!*

I didnt see you posted that pic before as being the same girl... dude...

Haha, you return and you're unveiling scams right away. Not bad ;)
I guess you thought you could get away with it since this is a metal site and no one would know that girl, but fortunatly I have a bad habit of keeping track of showbizznews via sites like and I also always check this forum and the always entertaining pic thread ,even though I havent been around much lately *HI EVERYONE!!*

I didnt see you posted that pic before as being the same girl... dude...


Looks pretty much the same, eh?
Juniper owned Sleepwalker. If not your girlfriend could earn a lot of money doing double work for her.
Come on dude, tell us the truth. And the girl on the other pic is probably your sister or cousin ;)

Until there is proof this is what I'm thinking. Hahaha.