looks like a nice place
Me and my housemates kitten..
that is good indeed, but unfortunately money doesnt quite make up for a burnt down house... it helps, but you cant buy new photoalbums/inherited/meaningfull stuff..
Also, i imagine Australia is quite a well insured country..
looks like a nice place
The houses look a bit Chernobyl'ish though
Damn, that's some rich inspiration right there. Do you write music or anything "creative"?
It's a very quiet and peaceful place, after a hard work day in the infamous city, returning here is like a gift. I've lived here since child and, for now, I have no plans of leaving.
Sadly, life in small places like this is coming to an end due to massive migration to the big city. Empty houses are everywhere, only used in weekends or vacations. The collapsed building was the village's school, and the structure at its side is an old abandoned stable, which is going to colapse if anybody doesn't do something soon, but their owners don't live here, so the collapse is inevitable, I fear.
Me and my housemates kitten..
OMG that is beautiful.http://i552.photobucket.com/albums/jj359/davidlasmurias/lasmurias2009-02-0715-35-04_0002.jpg
Taken this morning from my bedroom's window
House mates pets for the win! Below is my house mates pet snake in my hand. Took the photo with my phone so it's not the best. Most metal pet ever.Me and my housemates kitten..
I think bushfire arsonists get a minimum of 15 years in goal here. But they never catch them.Awful..
I wonder when the first arsonist will get lynched.
Cool pets here ! The kitten is sooooooooooooooooo cute !
a painting of you know what ! (I've just discovered that there's something really wrong on the right pale part :/