post your pic.....

..And thats why i never ever ever in my entire life even i get paid to do it will visit Australia..
Steve irvin has once and for all settled that everyone ever setting foot in Australia will die from spiders, snakes and crockodiles, cause they are everywhere!! everywhere i tell you! :lol:

Aww it's cute when foreigners think that.. though I was out in the mountains. I have seen some pretty big spiders in my house. :Puke:
wow.. I'm so jealous. great pictures. its been 10 years since i've seen snow. :erk: i live in boring old florida. i bought myself a snow jacket in hopes of wearing it someday
Oh my.. australian wildernesswould probably not be a good place for me to camp and run around, at least not with my alcohol consumption :lol: I'd probably wind up walking on some deadly animal within minutes :lol:

I once walked off a cliff when drunk.. that was... shameful. They actually had to get people to get me out of there. Total darkness and I had no idea why all of a sudden I was upside down and my shoulder was hurting. They told me "lucky you were so drunk, when you fell you didn't stiffen up so you didn't have much of an injury" :kickass::kickass:
I once walked off a cliff when drunk.. that was... shameful. They actually had to get people to get me out of there. Total darkness and I had no idea why all of a sudden I was upside down and my shoulder was hurting. They told me "lucky you were so drunk, when you fell you didn't stiffen up so you didn't have much of an injury" :kickass::kickass:

Oh my, sounds seriously dangerous. There was a drunk guy in Stockholm who fell 10 metres in town straight down on the pavement and survived with only a broken leg. Same explanation on why he didn't get more hurt :lol: It was in the papers and all :p
I have seen some pretty big spiders in my house.
So have I.

She's a marshmallow though. Unless you're a cricket.
Awesome Spider! It makes me miss my old tarantulas... The one was named Boris.. if anyone gets the reference I will start a church dedicated to them.