post your pic.....

I need to patch up a new jacket...can't find cheap denim anywhere...ugh
If what you are after is a small patch of dark blue denim, I can post you this...


Shity web cam photo...

Edit: or you maybe referring to getting a new jacket and putting band patches on it... eh.. whatever..
no problem ;) I am happy you like it. It's a picture my boyfriend have taken when he go walking through the forest at 6 AM as every week end!
Thank you all for your kind words, he'll be glad when I'll tell him !
Maybe can I post one more, I don't know if you also like wild animals !
I haven't been very satisfied with any of my photos as of late, but here afew a few of the better ones I figure'd I'd share.




Usually when I see the best sunsets, I'll be driving to Sydney, so I can't exactly take photos. :(
Thank you all for your kind words, he'll be glad when I'll tell him !
Maybe can I post one more, I don't know if you also like wild animals !

Your boyfriend's a pretty skilled photographer. The forest pic has a greater initial wow-factor, but the composition on this one is blowin' me mind.