post your pic.....

The time has come...that I am old and unable to see so I had to get glasses. When I longer felt safe driving around I thought I better go do it.

I was actually going to demand in the other thread that you post a pic of your new glasses. Good job!! :cool:
The time has come...that I am old and unable to see so I had to get glasses. When I longer felt safe driving around I thought I better go do it.

i used to wear similar glasses, but i got lasers in my eyes and i don't need them anymore

Here are some pictures of my hair before and after I got it cut yesterday. It is not drastic, but a pretty big change as my hair has not been this short in quite some time. Pretty weak shots. I was doing self-shots, but they ended up somewhat blurry.




Here are some pictures of my hair before and after I got it cut yesterday. It is not drastic, but a pretty big change as my hair has not been this short in quite some time. Pretty weak shots. I was doing self-shots, but they ended up somewhat blurry.





Whyyy cut it? :D

.. and note for Kev if you need that shirt I can get it for you.. they are cheapp.
Been out this weekend in a national park, hanging out in a hut there.
I found this kangaroo spine on the way out (after I heard all the wild dogs howling around us I got out of there 20 mins faster than I got in lol)

I need to use this in my next cd cover.

I thought this old bed looked creepy and desolate.
My camera has shat itself though :(