post your pic.....

LifeDepraved said:
No my hair is getting very thin, and I'm losing it at fast rates. If I just put my fingers through it, it comes out in large shampoo I will see what I can do.
1. I will never, ever shave my head...or get some tacky tattoo up there.

2. Thanks...but Eve gave me the inspiration to make that..even though hers aren't meant to be funny per se...I hope to make some more soon.

Cheers Mates.
LifeDepraved said:
1. I will never, ever shave my head...or get some tacky tattoo up there.

2. Thanks...but Eve gave me the inspiration to make that..even though hers aren't meant to be funny per se...I hope to make some more soon.

Cheers Mates.

tacky tatoos are metal.. just look at Kerry King.
this is hilarious!
I found one some tiima ago that was about gay affairs and it mentionned opeth=)))))