post your pic.....

Wow, month of the haircutting?

Silent paragon said:
Have you invented time travel yet?

I really really believe teleporting would serve you better EveL, if you travelled through time maybe youd find a baby kev or something!! or would that be cooler?:lol:

no more haircuts please!!! oh i miss my long's been 5 years since i cut it..
Tumn said:
I didn't really want to, but I had to get it done eventually. I am interning at a police department and the Chief asked if I would do it, and I said yes.

I believe it was Chuck D who said...

your hair was you look a human...what a shame
hugot said:
I really really believe teleporting would serve you better EveL, if you travelled through time maybe youd find a baby kev or something!! or would that be cooler?:lol:

baby there's a thought...
I bet Kev was a drunk baby...and drunk babies are naughty...and naughty babies deserve spanking from "Eves":rock:
lol!!! I knocked my Katatonia cds over!! They are ok though, thank (some god).

I was on the floor for like 4 hours sleeping, fun times!!

Awesome wallpaper though. Eve you are brilliant! Let's get some drinks mate!
a picture of me after appelpop yesterday in the train
(looking like a communistic leader, only a bit too 'happy' and laid-back:p)

btw, dude on the left is a very good friend of mine. dude on the right I hardly know, but he was around:p