Post your ringtone.

David Bowie - Space Oddity: "This is Major Tom to ground control/I'm stepping through the door/And I'm floating in a most peculiar way/And the stars look very different today/For here..." I enjoy it, though I never really carry my cell phone with me. Sort of like my laptop. All of my portables act as non-portables. My laptop is my desktop and my cell phone is my dorm phone.
Vincent J. said:
That would be a nice wake-up!

It is :)
Breaking the law, by JP is also set for my alarmclock but i like waking up with Lazarus.
"it's time for you to go" .
Ok, the point that i really get out of bed and am rid of that lazarus sleepy feeling, is far beyond 1 time repeating! :rolleyes:
Tempest said:
haha, I'm a loyal Motorola fan.


here is my phone now:



i want one of these phones:




If you got MP3 capabilities, then you can cut any song to be your ring tone... its just a matter of sending it to your phone, Motorola phones have a USB cable to go from phone to PC... which is great for file transfer.. dunno if your phone can do it.

Dan, HP makes a GSM Ipaq that has integrated (useable) GPS with Microsoft Streets and Trips... fucking sweet