post your sexy pics here

my band is getting shirts made and the design is so sexy i just had to put it in this thread

we're making like 10 in yellow just because we can and it doesn't cost any extra, i don't think i've ever seen a yellow band shirt, hopefully a few people will appreciate the weirdness haha

:kickass: The white is my favorite. Now, I like the yellow, but I would not wear it because yellow has never looked good on me for some reason.

And Karen is right! White was in. I had a white Iron Maiden shirt with Eddie's mug on the front. I miss that shirt too.
Nomming a paper towel roll thing.

O hai!

O hai Cawa.



Still likes to sit in laps.

Hai again!

Hai I'm cute.

Weiner dog?

Well hai!
oh..... my god!

I'm exploding from cuteness and awesomeness overload!!!!

CARA! Oh my goodness Rusty is soooooo cute!!!!
I love the video so much because it shows his personality and behavior and
what an adorable guy he is! love it love it love it!!

(I wanna meet Rusty! Shrike would love him!)
oh..... my god!

I'm exploding from cuteness and awesomeness overload!!!!

CARA! Oh my goodness Rusty is soooooo cute!!!!
I love the video so much because it shows his personality and behavior and
what an adorable guy he is! love it love it love it!!

(I wanna meet Rusty! Shrike would love him!)

You'll meet him one day! When he's a lot bigger than what he is now :p

When I first let him out of his kennel I was expecting him to jump on my legs to greet me (as usual), but his feet actually touched my chest. He was really happy lol.
I love him!!! that video really shows his good nature and cuteness, I observed every movement of his, and
I have to say he's a great dog!!! I can tell :)
Plus, I really love the way he looks now, less of a lab more like a mutt, and that, IS THE BEST look for a dog in my eyes :)
Love him!!!!!