post your sexy pics here

Will looks like Corpsegrinder Fisher...minus the crossed-eyes and part down-syndrome look.

Actually you look like Jason Mewes meets Corpsegrinder.
Bring your laptop to work without permission day :D

My face will probably not look like this after tomorrow.
Unfortunately his body comes with his mouth and attitude too, and that kinda sucks. Oh well, Big Nog is gonna teach him a thing or two about respect the hard way come the 27th of this month :)
:lol: Well i fight also, so i am in good shape and i'm only saying that because i've been eating boiled chicken and salad for 12 weeks straight and i really want BAKED ZITI :[ I come from the most unforgiving Italian family. Anyway, i am no way near 6'3" or 260 lbs :lol: so i probably wouldn't fuck with him.