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And Tecate light?

:lol: Well, I wanted to get at least some kind of light beer for the sissies, but had no idea what to get. Then the radio commercial for Tecate Light played in my head so I grabbed it :)

What exactly is light beer? Less alcohol or what?

Seriously, I have no idea. No such thing exists around here... It's either regular beer, strong or non-alcoholic. Nothing with reduced alcohol (mixed crap aside)...

Or is it less calories...?

Please, someone enlighten me!
Less calories, and so there's usually a little less alcohol, and a lot less flavor. Not that the PBR I bought has any flavor either amirite!
Less calories, and so there's usually a little less alcohol, and a lot less flavor. Not that the PBR I bought has any flavor either amirite!

Thanks for the heads up!

Strangely, I'm not even remotely tempted to try. ;)

Well I never had ANY North American beer to begin with, I just keep imagining it's tastes like bubblegum, freedom, redneck sweat and David Hasselhoff.
many microbrews are quite good here. i know the joke is american beer tastes like water, made famous by brands such as Budweiser, Miller, and Coors (all founded by germans, hmm) but 'craft beer' (made the legit traditional way, no rice or other filler bs) has been growing a lot in popularity and production the last few decades. in most stores around here at least 2/3 to 3/4 of the beer section is devoted to these smaller breweries making the real thing: Ales, Stouts, IPAs, Porters, etc. not just fizzy piss-yellow lagers. here's an interesting chart, the south is waaay behind (big shocker :loco:)


p.s. David Hasselhoff is far more popular in germany than america these days
California doesnt have much microbrew but we used to have one here (i dont know if it still exists) right in town called Snowshoe and it was pretty damn awesome.
Northwest has some excellent microbrew and not so microbrew. LOL by that chart, it looks like Oregon and Montana are the places to be for good shit. (also Maine.)
(I also expected Washington to be one of the darker colors. hmmm...)
well actually we have a shitload in Norcal, but LA has 23049580982305892 fuckin people that dilute the overall numbers. it'd be interesting to see a chart with the real number of breweries, not just the amount per million people like this one.
We have the Spoetzl Brewery, which I guess could be considered a microbrewery. With that & the Dublin Dr. Pepper factory, we really don't need much more :loco:

Which reminds me, I really should get some varieties of Shiner for the partay.