post your sexy pics here

I actually think it's his retarded son posting now, because the spelling has gotten better. I like retarded young boys, they are much easier to overtake from behind, plus, there corn holes are tighter

I have no kids you jerk. If I did, and one or more happened to be retards, I would toss them over the hill.

Socialism does not work. You cant take care of retards and the jobless, homeless strong, do the right thing by ending thier lives asap.

Oh what a perfect world we would live in if only that were so. But therein lies the problem, If I or anyone else were to kill you, we/I would be, fuck offs like you and the economy crippling retards, disabled, homeless, jobless, etc, well,......we are forced to allow miscreants like them, and yourself the undeserving privilege of using your/thier lungs.

Therefore, and furthermore, if I had a son, and he were the one performing the rantings, he would not be retarded, moreover, you are, as usual, wrong in every way.

As far as the spelling goes, well..... suprise you jiz juggler!
Agreed, it might be funnier if Ledmag was actually a participating member of the forum that occasionally had these outburts instead of just coming out of nowhere every 6 months for them.

Not to mention I've already heard all of his jokes back when I was a tyke in 5th grade.
I can provide you with some Alizee bootay if it makes you feel better?
