post your sexy pics here

Went to Denton last night to see Bat Castle. Wanted to take Acie with us but he was too broke. Therefore, we got lost trying to find Fuzzy's Tacos and walked about 4 blocks in all the wrong directions. Turns out it was about 10 feet down the street in another direction.

I did NOT get sick though! Ordered my meats non spicy and picked around the peppers and cilantro. Anyway, we shake our fists at Acie.



This dumb kid sat there with his head hung down into the monitors for QUITE some time, and then did it again. Dumbass.

A few other pictards.





Took a couple of videos on my cam and several on James' cam (turns out we're camera buddies with the same Sony teehee). Couldn't really get a good shot with my cam though because of people being in the way. I tried to hold the camera up over everybody but I was too drunk haha.

Great pictards Cara, god I do love those cokes in the glass bottle better, though I haven't tried the Mexican coke yet. I'm going to if I can ever find it here.

The french braid looks really cute in your hair Kevin. Damn, how long did it take you to braid all that hair?
Had a ladies' night with some ladies. We were lying on a mat in the girl's garage taking Baby Sitter's Club pictures for like 20 minutes.


And then I lazied around my boyfriend's house for a while.


And my best homegirl bought one of my shirts. :kickass:

Mexican coke still uses real cocaine. "Heroin got you down? grab an ice cold Coke"

No it doesn't... does it? I live pretty close to the border, and I used to drink Mexican Coke all the time. It tasted better, but it had no effect on me that regular Coke didn't. Tasty stuff, though.
I've been to Mexico many times and when I lived by it we would go in there to get their soda.

I beleive the reason is they use more vanilla, or more something. I forgot. But Mexican soda ist krieg.
Mexican coke is easy to get around here but what's even better is kosher coke. Only available around Passover, but grab a bottle if you happen to live where they sell it (New York, Boston, Baltimore-Washington, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Chicago).
