post your sexy pics here

Not as christmasy as the Soviet Snow Bear, but hey a 6foot snowcock never hurt anyone.

You can't see it in that picture but the balls are fucking huge. That's what we're standing on.
And I see it is happy!

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?

It's swell to have a stiffy, it's divine to own a dick,
From the tiniest little tadger to the world's biggest prick!

So, three cheers for willy or john thomas!
Hooray for your one eyed trouser snake!
Your piece of pork, your wife's best friend, your percy or your cock,
You can wrap it up in ribbons, you can slip it in your sock!

But don't take it out in public, or they'll throw you in the dock,
And you wont a-come a-back!
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Stopped by Derick's aunt & uncle's house today. They have a new dog and it's one of the cutest and sweetest dogs ever!!! His uncle apparently just found him on a construction site he was working at. He's a little skinny though so I hope they've taken him to the vet to check for worms and such. Looks like he's maybe a lab/chihuahua mix? SO TUTE! His name is Cole, but as far as Derick and I are concerned, it's Pappy :p





He sure is! The father of the family isn't too fond of him because he had an accident once and had diarrhea on the floor. It was an accident! You can't always control diarrhea. Pewr pup :(