post your sexy pics here


^ Martin Henriksson's pick, given to me personally last night. DT put on the greatest show EVER.
cara noticed once at an FYE they had a sonata arctica cd labeled as SANTA ARCTICA...

and that name fits together so nicely too.
Wolftribe said:
Sonata Arctica are almost as bad as rhapsody

Which brings me to my latest Rhapsody joke:

Three guys go to a bar to get a beer right?
One of them is canadian, one of them is american and the third one is a members from rhapsody.

So the canadian gets to the bar, salutes the bouncer and grabs a beer while flirting with the barmaid...

The american comes next and is asked for some IDs by the bouncer. Of course, the american shows some ID and gets into the bar after being high-fived by the bouncer, grabs a beer and tries to steal the barmaid away from the canadian

Then comes the member from rhapsody and, as he approaches closer to the bouncer, an epic battle explodes because the bouncer was in fact ...

to each their own, I like sonata's stuff. When you're drunk as hell and you're in a power metal band at's singable and highly amusing with like 20-30 people trying to hit the high notes lol

btw Lioness I've been here for ages, just haven't posted in a while hehe, been on here since like april 2003, but thanks the same :D :wave:
BlackwaterNymph said:
Another installment of my avoiding work and taking pictures with my camera phone in the company restroom photos.


Then, the avoiding work and talking on the phone photos.

hey, can we see some titties? maybe a thong shot?
Those titties and thong shots are reserved for one person, and he doesn't share. (ME)

So go away and find someone else to harass.