post your sexy pics here

ferlusa said:
ok kinda late to post my pic on the "tongue section" of the thread, but there it is :loco:

I rest my case (with respect to the title of the other thread referring to the females on this board).

But my e-heart lies with Ninjakitty with images of us studying together in a quiet library somewhere.
I'm not trying to imply anything, I AM pale. The other day my mother asked why in gods name I was wearing white panty hose under my skirt when it was 101 degrees outside. I informed here those were my bare legs and to leave me alone. :Spin:
BlackwaterNymph said:
I'm not trying to imply anything, I AM pale. The other day my mother asked why in gods name I was wearing white panty hose under my skirt when it was 101 degrees outside. I informed here those were my bare legs and to leave me alone. :Spin:

seems we are alike on that field.

(though I go to a solarium to get meself look normal :Smug: , people here sunbathe a lot, so when I catch color, I actually look the way people with normal teint look in winter. :err: luckily, I have a greek husband for the balance.... smrmfmm....)
BlackwaterNymph said:
I'm not trying to imply anything, I AM pale. The other day my mother asked why in gods name I was wearing white panty hose under my skirt when it was 101 degrees outside. I informed here those were my bare legs and to leave me alone. :Spin:
I'm pretty tanned right now. Past 9 out of 11 days i've walked around 3 miles.

I'm getting sexah.