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"more style" is a stupid phrase. DIFFERENT style is better. Just because someone likes to play dress-up more than the rest of us doesn't make them superior.

Not really... style is a definite thing. He matches, he thinks about his outfit, he cared enough about it, he has a personal style which is unique. Which is not, correct me if I am wrong, something you do, or care about when choosing cargo pant and a metal T?? (and not that there is anything wrong with it, mind you)
It's called the "I don't give a shit" style. I think it used to be called the "grunge" style. People go out on the town with EXTREMELY tight jeans and ripped shirts, with their hair PURPOSELY askew. Does that make their "style" any better than someone like me who doesn't feed off of the reactions of others that my stupid clothing would generate?
It's called the "I don't give a shit" style. I think it used to be called the "grunge" style. People go out on the town with EXTREMELY tight jeans and ripped shirts, with their hair PURPOSELY askew. Does that make their "style" any better than someone like me who doesn't feed off of the reactions of others that my stupid clothing would generate?

No, Grunge was actually a style much like abstract art is considered ART and not some doodle on a page. 'style' per-se, much like 'art' is a term that can be forever philosophized and argued about. However, buying whatever that is on sale at Walmart, Kohl's or at the merch booth at a metal show, without even caring or thingking about it, does require you to have a certain 'style' by definition, it's just called the "Ok Those Blue Cargo Pants Are On Sale for $10.99 and They Look OK On Me, So What The Heck" Style.
As opposed to a 'style' which is noticeable, like Swab's who actually created something personal and unique, that one may not see 'every day' I say you're about as far from having a style as the moon is far from the next galaxy.

But again......... there is nothing wrong with it.