post your sexy pics here


Your dress is beyond awesome. Where did you get it?

Thank you, Emily!
I actually got it overseas last year... I know, I know.. annoying answer :/
can anyone explain to me the logic behind: 1. dudes who have a ton of bracelets and whatnot? is that really fashionable because it just looks girly to me 2. people with 80s style hair now? i've seen tons of dudes with essentially mullets, highlighted hair, weird poofy 80s styles etc, aren't they a little embarassing and really difficult to maintain for a result of looking like a chick? if anyone knows the answer to either of these please enlighten me thnx.

I don't leave the house without a wristband, watch, mjolnir, sometimes cap and ring. I mean, why do we wear anything? I'm sure you guys don't just randomly grab a shirt and pants that don't match when you go out.

Other than that, though, I just feel kind of naked without some accessories.
It's just history repeating itself as it tends to do. I agree it looks pretty dumb. Saw a couple girls walking around Seattle last night that looked EXACTLY like my sister did in the 80s (she's 9 years older than me). Stonewash jeans, white KEDS, big poofy permed hair, denim jean jackets, the whole works.
yeah, i don't get it, but whatever.

what i do hate is all the awkward ugly kids wearing fedoras with casual clothing. now, i may or may not have a few fedoras of my own, but i don't wear them with my polyester button-down dragon shirt/wolf t-shirt that's so tight it shows off my man-boobs, cargo pants, sneakers and socks pulled all the way up.


but yeah, that's a sight i see waaaay too often and i just want it to stop.