post your sexy pics here

Dead_Lioness said:
^ oh yeah, he's sooo funny and nice!
Definitely one of my favorite people at my job!

I'm going to hang out with him, his wife and bunch of friends tomorrow :)
apparently, today we discovered we have mutual friends in Arlington...
its a small world after all.


edit" and the accent is actually cool. I like it :p

I'm glad ye do :p Although on the many times I've visted America, ye all listen to how I say things and just nod, rather than actually hearing what I say :cry:
Dead_Lioness said:
don't say "ye all" I actually listen ;)

I have a weird weakness to UK accents.... *ANY* UK accent :p

Ha Ha! Some of them are tragic though! Fife, Liverpool,'s like aural rape! :p

and...I don't mean ye all as in y'all :) "Ye" is just handy scots for "You".

:) *rawk*
Final_Product said:
Ha Ha! Some of them are tragic though! Fife, Liverpool,'s like aural rape! :p

and...I don't mean ye all as in y'all :) "Ye" is just handy scots for "You".

:) *rawk*

YES I know what ye-all means dork ;)
I just don't want you to generalize *me* into a certain group 's all :)

rawk= hahahaha!

Dead_Lioness said:
YES I know what ye-all means dork ;)
I just don't want you to generalize *me* into a certain group 's all :)

rawk= hahahaha!


:cry: Consider me edumacated :p

I get pissed at folks generalising about us Scots based on stereotypes, so I was being hypocritical...from now on (in my mind) you form a seperate entity known as "THE KAREN" *add DUH DUH DUH special effects*

Oh and last person that called me a Dork is now dead.



Yeah...I'm done. :p
Hey, I'm not a stereotypical Canadian. At all, actually. I do however say, "Eh?"
neal said:
so tell me a scottish stereotype that isnt true?

We rarely say "OCH AYE THE NOO!" and almost no-one is ginger.


The rest are pretty true. Oh and we're not all related, and I know nobody from Aberdeen, so asking me if I know "HAMISH FROM ABERDEEN" is redundant, because Scotland isn't just one big village where we all know and sleep with each other...


Hang on...

[/predictable joke]
