post your sexy pics here

Well that's because a lot of people on this board are sex-ay.

Good job Cara, Karen, Sammy, Hemi, and anyone else I might of missed. All of you are hot, hot, hot.
*still waits for an explaination of GTXHemi's tattoo*

*is a die hard Mopar fan....

*wants a GTXHemi too....

*especially one with a nice tummy :loco:
GroundXero3k said:
Well that's because a lot of people on this board are sex-ay.

Good job Cara, Karen, Sammy, Hemi, and anyone else I might of missed. All of you are hot, hot, hot.
Hehe, I hear that one alot.... and sometimes I wonder why? :confused:

You do realise that that pic was taken withink 24hrs of me getting hit by a squash ball in the eye, yes? :Smug:

That's why I have the red mark below my eye (it bounced up from my upper cheek bone, brushed my eyeball on the way to my prominent brow, then cam back out), that's why my pupils are so dilated, and that's why I just look like a shit in general in that pic. :erk:

Thank god it didn't hit me directly in the eye (socket) otherwise I woulda lost it. :(

P.S. Rep for you to peruse Maharet! :D
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