post your sexy pics here

our new koobicles at work. down one floor. actual cubicles now compared to the stalls we had before. the work sucks no less though!

yay i'm by the window



and i'm by samantha! but she leaves in two weeks for a new job with more monays


what's this?...hmm...mischief!


You have anal retention written all over your desk, especially compared to Samantha's. :)
Yay! My desk is a mess as others packed and moved my stuff to the new desk on Tuesday. I'm qutting and see no reason to undo the mess. I also see no reason to do anything until then except spin around in my chair and listen to my ipod.
So I awoke this morning in my own bed, not knowing that I drove home last night, and also awoke to a ton of pictures on my camera. Not remembering a damn thing.

So first off, I seem to have somehow found some goggles, and, like any drunk man, proceeded to pose in several pictures with them on.


And then, the classic, OMG GROUP BEER POSE!

(Note: The beer I hold is not Canadian, but a Granville Island Lager. <3)
it's going to get mushy now...i'm sure these were posted when they were new but just to recap!

from our first meeting in person, june 2003. AWWW

july 2003, had just fled to maryland

also july 2003. we were just little chitlins!
So the other day we were having our 2007 jock photo shoot and Jeetz (guy being photographed) was up after me. On my way out he asked me to take some pics of his shoot with his little digi-cam, and then Erik told me he'd put a fisheye lens on his other camera and I could take some with that too. So this picture was with Erik's (the photographer) 2nd camera. I'm not sure what it was, but it was the same as the other one he's using and I LOVED it!!! Now I want one of my own haha.
