post your sexy pics here

Welcome to the Neverboard, I'll be your guide. Any and ALL THREADS should be entered with a protective Reno Barrier, named for the former US Attourney General who was best known for looks that can cause a heart attack. The barrier is designed to filter shock and dismay from your system so your reaction is not as strong to shocking photos such as the 3 above. If you do NOT have a Reno barrier, you should either develop one, or consider a different message board to frequent, as Krigloch's lower half being exposed is a fairly common event. Thank you and enjoy your stay here.
Glad to hear it, and coincidentally I hear your "fries" (real men call them chips) are spectacular.
Real men sometimes have other native languages than English.

There are plenty of US microbrews that are quite excellent and a few trappist clones that do it well enough that beers like Ommegang compare very closely to the Belgian monk beers. Be careful and research before you assume everything here is Budweiser and Samuel Adams.
Aye, it should be noted that many micro-breweries are reputed to produce very good beer. If I'm not mistaken, many of those microbreweries were started by emigrated Belgians. Celis White, for instance, is made by the same guy who made Hoegaarden.

me and my gf. its out 2month anniversary on Tuesday, <3 u 4eva babe xxxooo