post your sexy pics here

Well if you really must get Isabel's picture out of your mind (I can't believe I said that) then here are a couple of mine from the Morgue:



EDIT: Not great ones, mind; you can see where the blood is wearing thin. This was about halfway through the night.
Oh, the image left, and her dignity is intact, nothing was graphic, it was more of an audio stream. But I burst into a laughing fit. And very nice, who are you meant to be?
So what, I'm in demand now? Shit, maybe I should go as a frost giant instead. Don't need Russell's women harassing me.

Clowns are an easy scare...too easy, really, because there are so many morons out there who are afraid of them. Hence, they're in just about every haunt in existence, way overdone.

Plus, there's the whole ICP thing going on. That alone is sufficient reason to annihilate clowns and burn all records of their existence.

EDIT: I should state, however, that the guy who played our clown is totally hilarious and insults every group that comes through the house. A group of black women asked him where the "Chicken Door" was (we have doors to the outside for people who get too scared to go on, denoted by yellow chicken signs), and he shouted "What is it with you people and chicken?"