post your sexy pics here

Ooh sweet pictures everyone! Vera, you're so gorgeous :)

I am usually pretty shy. Yet again I spent most of my life being so painfully insecure even I am embarrassed for me looking back. I guess this is the result of letting that go, boredom, wanting to take pictures of someone, but everyone is asleep! And my dog is tired of posing. Haha. So... and I doubt anyone here is a prude, but...I aint no slut foos. haha I just...don't find anything gross about nudity. mwuaha.





...I totally missed the usually part of that statement and just read "I am pretty shy." Damn I was confused (Not in a bad way) for a minute there.

There is something beautiful in the way breasts can position themselves, sort of more disconnected from the body than usual, but yet entirely a part of it. I'm not sure what to say really, those just happen to be some very stunning and tasteful pictures.

I don't know about anyone else, but something natural, not flaunted, is always more attractive.
