Post your voices!

(re: Karen's accent)
It didn't sound stereotypically east coaster, there were hints of it but there were also hints of "Where did you say you were from?" which is cool.

The only kind of accent I personally do not think is that cool (its not bad I'm just glad I don't have one) is the severely pronounced very colloquial and stereo-typical accents. Most specifically, south-eastern wisconsin. I've always felt I'd somehow managed to avoid any Wisconsin accent so it bugs me when a friend who moved away to arizona visits and tells me I have a bit of one. I think it only shows up when I get lazy though and say certain words.

I'm guessing the reason I don't like the obvious accents (at least from certain US regions) is that its too easy for people to peg you as "Oh, you're clearly from Wisconsin. Well, guess you like cows and farms and beer with brats in it and being a football obsessed idiot." And all I have to say to them is: "PACKERS!!! WOOOOOOOO!" ;)

PS. I hate football. And most of that other stuff too. :grin:
I noticed this thread way too late! Way too much catching up to even attempt. Someone give me highlights!