

Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
I think it would be interesting to hear what you people sound like.

...Hey, we already have a thread of us posting pictures of ourselves, our instruments, and our pets, so we might as well go a little further, right?

I plan to post a clip of my natural voice, and me doing my best death growls as soon as I figure out how. This could be fun, we could see who growls better. :D
Here's me doing my best death growl to Tristania's "Beyond The Veil." You can hear it playing in the background as I sing along. I had the file converted into a low quality mp3 so the size is little under 200kbs.

This is as deathy as my voice gets.

Death Growls
HAHAHAHA!!!!! >:eek:)))))

Belial you're the COOOOLEST!!!! >:eek:)))

I'd put up some soundfile of me talking
but I don't have anything to record my
voice with :eek:/
And; I think I'd be too shy to do it >:eek:P

Keep up with the growling! >:eek:)
And; Tristania rocks!!! \,,/
I'm gonna write some weird fuckin shit ,,and play some weird fuckin guitar riff and record it on some weird fuckin program ,, and then i'm gonna record it with some weird fuckin effects ,, and then make it into a weird fuckin mp3 file ,, and upload it ,, and name it Under a beautiful world
Thanks, my throat is killing me from that one :lol:

Here's another one. I'm singing the same parts of the same song, but with a different growl. This one is less brutal and higher pitched. I'm still working on it and I haven't got it quite right yet, but it still sounds cool.

Death Growl 2
I haven't tryed singing tristania yet but I must say that your death metal voice isnt' the best on out there :) but I have heard worse keep on rockin :headbang:













…If I only had a bullet than I'd show them …
I would have posted somethink if I could but I don't have a mic for my mac :) it ryhmes… ohh well I guess that was really lame sorry…







…If I had a bullet I'd show them…
belial, very brutal vocal there ;)
this is one of my fav song from skydancer. i add a little reverb in it. i sing alot of time to come up with this quality, throat hurt. how does metal vocalist sing forever and still in perfect condition anyway? in real life, i'm only a 5ft freek, so don't laugh.

through the ebony archway
That was pretty cool, terrymx.

I have no idea how those guys manage to growl all the time or how bands like Opeth manage to hold a note for so long. My throat is irritated from doing that recording. Maybe they get used to is over time? :err: