Potential First time Attendee


Feb 11, 2002
New York
Visit site
Can anytone tell me more about the show and maybe how it compares to PP USA which i have attended for the last 7 years. How big is the venue? Are there seats? How long between bands? Etc... Thanks

Here some more information, hopefully that is helpfull:
- Sjiwa, the venue, has a capacity of 700 people
- in between the bands we have about 30 minutes break, bands play between 1 and 2 hours
- there are no seats, only in the basement of the venue to relax
- there is no age limit
- we have a merchandise area, in the venue and a second basement
- we have a diner-break of 1 hour after 3 bands
- many of the bands and fans stay at Castle de Berckt, a perfect location to stay the entire weekend

Overall you cannot compare it with the event in the USA, or with any other event, we have created a quite unique atmosphere, the most important reason for people to come back every year. The line-up always offers some know bands, but we will not skip our policy to give upcoming bands a chance to play for a bigger audience. I think I can say that we are a non-commercial festival and just try to offer some quality bands, known and unknown.

If you have any further questions feel free to ask me personally, rene@progpower.eu.

Rene Janssen
Some additional questions for a possible first time attendee:

If there are no seats with only the basement to relax, are there video screens to see the bands during performances in there?
If I choose to not stay in Baarlo, are there trains from other areas to get there? I can use hotel points and stay in Dusseldorf so was wondering about the quickest way to get to Baarlo from there.
How is the sound system in the venue?


Regarding the videoscreens, we have done this 2 years ago, some smaller videoscreen on the right side of the stage, we skipped it last year because we did not think that it is necessary. In a venue with a capacity of less than 1000 people you can see the band good enough from every position. But I will discuss it with the venue, maybe we should use the videoscreen once more.

Dusseldorf is 45 minutes by public transport, you take the train to Venlo and the bus to Baarlo. But I would suggest you to stay in Venlo, there are enough hotels in Venlo and from the railway station you can take the bus to Baarlo or eventually a taxi. That takes about 10 minutes.

Later this month I will add some pages to the website with more hotel information and a collection of the questions we got over the last few months.

But if someone needs personal advise/information, just drop an email to rene@progpower.eu.

Rene Janssen