Poughkeepsie show

i feel as if this is my fault. i always bring the pain. tranquil chaos must be kind of like dark tranquillllllity, only more chaotic
cool show last night, I was really tempted to go the most precious blood/reach the sky show next door (seeing as it was rts second to last show and half the price) But i'm glad I spent the extra dough and went. Dark tranquillty put on one the best live perfomances I've seen in a long time. Syl was real good to, and berseker was ok. I only stayed for a couple of naplam death and they were ok, nothing special. My only complaints about the show was the large amount of meathead assholes, and the possee of biker skinhead nazis, those guys should of been "dealth with" but all in all great show can't wait to see dt again.
:grin: That's good.
Nazi's? Don't they listen to hardcore (the 'house/trance kind) and nazi-metal? :p Owww.. Too bad they were there.. Ah well. Sounds like you had a good night anyway. :grin: (Sorry, I am not too fond of skinheads/that kinda.)

Ohhh.. btw, what's wrong with groupies? :eek:
Originally posted by Tranquil Chaos
he can do that? isn't it kinda late now? and whos mark? ahh :(

mark is um's owner. send a private message to him ("Mark") asking to have your old nick changed to the new one. you'll get your post-count back too. it's worth the trouble. ;)

@bigfakesmile: everybody's sexuality is put to the test when you're around. :lol: :p

Originally posted by BigFakeSmile
iheartanders -- you must have been one of those dudes on the bus. were you the 'french' one? im katie, btw. ok, DT rule on so many levels... all weekends when there are no melodic death metal bands in new england are gay.

hrmmm im tempted to say something like : what u got against french ppl

Anyway all this to say there were 3 french guy at the show , me & my 2 friend . We drove all the way down from montreal to get our ass there :)

too bad dt only played 8 songs :/
but they were great , worth the whole trip!

*ill post pic when i get them & if they worth posting*
Not really. Ehkä join ehkä en. But what cares kunhan hyppy kulkee.
Satanisk gorilla tunkee banane into rectum of das auto.
Are you calling me a kid?
Maybe I am a kid but the way you said it, sounds that you think that you are SO much older than me.
You´re 17, I am 15.
That is 2 years.

@paskastaelämäänsyttynytjakohtuunsakuollutmuttaperkelevieläelävä(DIM): Go ahead, speak swedish.. I am a stupid finn who cannot understand it. Ruin my life.
I shall remember you when I am suffering.

Voi hitsin vitsin hitsi.
Kyllä nyt ottaa pannuun.
Originally posted by RealHazard
Are you calling me a kid?
Maybe I am a kid but the way you said it, sounds that you think that you are SO much older than me.
You´re 17, I am 15.
That is 2 years.
Well, DIP is 18-21, so you would sure be a kid to him. :p

finnish people are sexy